Very late to the party, but thought I’d drop my predictions post finishing the prologue. (1st image unrelated)
This should go without saying, but no spoilers for chapter 1 please.
I have not interacted with the game in any external sources, such as the wiki, YouTube videos, or social media post. Except for the chapter 1 trailer which is how I found out about the game.
These predictions are largely based off of what I would do with them if I were writing the plot. As well as my own experiences of creating and writing my own killing games filled with 16 students. (In which I’ve done 2 times).
So, with all that being said, let’s get into it!
Chapter 1:
Killer: Ingrid Killer: Eloise
In my mind, I can see Eloise using a weapon that Ingrid crafted for her to kill her. I think Eloise’s timid nature could make her an interesting killer. Ultimately, I think she might kill out of desperation, she cracks under the pressure of the killing game, in a desperate attempt to escape the game. I think it could be reflective of the sin of greed, she wants to escape, and she cracks and becomes willing to do anything to do so, even sacrificing others.
Chapter 2:
Victim: Wenona Victim: Ulysses
A pair in which I can see the positions being swapped, but they’d ultimate serve the same purpose. So I’ll only go over Ulysses.
For this one, it’d be less about religion. I think Wenona and Ulysses can be a sort of “Past vs future” situation. In which the two sides clash due to their opposing beliefs, resulting in one of their deaths. I think it could also well reestablish within the group that they are in the killing game, and they need to find a way out. Both the “past” and “future” are dead, leaving only the present.
Chapter 3:
Victims: Mark & Jett Killer: Toshiko
This is probably my most “out there” prediction, and is the one in the least sure of. But, I believe that chapter 3 might explore the stigmatism around homosexuality. Now, I’m not confident that Mark and Jett would be a couple, but to me it seems clear that they have something going on that’s being set up for later. As the ultimate matchmaker, I feel like Toshiko might seem them as “wrong”, thus killing them.
Chapter 4:
Victim: Diana Killer: Kai
Now, I could honestly swap these two positions and see them being totally feasible. So, I’ll bring going over both of them.
Kai as the killer:
As his position as the ultimate influencer, I believe Kai could be reflective of churches and religious figures. As the ultimate influencer, Kai has a lot of public power within the world, such as Christianity does. I believe that Kai being a killer can explore a theme of how he’s able to manipulate his audience, and make them do things for his own benefit.
Diana as the killer:
Diana could be seen as a more typical “follower”, I could see her masking her true colors underneath a veil. I feel as if her killing Kai could send a message of, “People are willing to go against their religion, as long as it is beneficial to them.” And for simpler purposes, I think a trial where she uses her cosmetology talent to her advantage would be hella cool.
Chapter 5:
Victim: Grace Killer: Wolfgang
Like Mark and Jett, I feel like Grace and Wolfgang are going to be involved with each other in some sort of way. I’m not sure what exactly, but I feel like Grace’s death could be some sort of mutual plan between the two. I think it provides as a challenge to Wolfgang, forcing him to kill, conflicting with his beliefs of “Murder isn’t justifiable”.
Chapter 6:
Mastermind: Eva
I lied, this is actually the prediction that I am the least confident in, I only pick Eva here because I’m not really sure who else to put as the mastermind. She seems like the obvious answer to me, which is why I’m unsure of putting her in this role, but it’s the one I’m assigning regardless.
Damon, Cassidy, Jean, Desmond.
Not much to say about them really, but an interesting group that I can see myself being fond of.
So yeah, those are all my predictions! I’m really excited to hop into chapter 1 and see where the actual game’s plot goes. I’ll probably be wildly wrong, but hey! That’s the fun part about making predictions.