5e player looking at Pathfinder, might need some help

I just skimmed the core rulebook, and started building a human fighter to get a hang of the character creation rules

What I like: 3 action turns Skills The choice involved in picking your own feats

What I don't like: The actual feat fighters get seem lackluster. Their missing something like action surge or fighting style. It feels like the entire class is just battle master The features all seem to just give proficiency increases

One other thing is I want to make an unarmed strike based character. Are there any ways I can improve them, so that they're actually useful compared to regular weapons?

edit: so installing pathbuilder hasmade it much easier, and some googling and use of Archive of Nethys have sorted out most of my issues. thanks a ton for all the advice

also, why did nobody warn me how addictive building pathfinder characters is?