New Feature: YouTube creators and rights holders can allow third-party companies that are building AI models to use their YouTube videos for AI model training.

YouTube’s commitment to responsible AI development includes making sure creators and rights holders continue to control how their content is used. Some creators and rights holders may want to partner with AI companies to help develop the latest Generative AI technology.

If they choose to, creators and rights holders can allow third-party companies that are building AI models to use their YouTube videos for AI model training. To do this, they can turn on a third-party training setting and select which companies to allow.

By default, the third-party training setting is turned off. If you don’t want your YouTube content used for third-party training, you don’t need to take any action. YouTube’s Terms of Service prohibits content from unauthorized use, such as unauthorized downloads and scraping.

Content eligibility

Content is eligible for third-party training if:

The applicable rights holders on the video allow third-party training.

Video privacy setting is public.

Video complies with YouTube’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.

What it means to allow third-party training

If you choose to turn on the third-party training setting, it means:

You select from a list of third-party companies to allow or choose to allow all third-party companies.

You’re allowing the selected third-party companies to use your content for purposes of training AI models they’re building.

For creators using YouTube Studio: Your content includes all eligible videos uploaded to your channel.

For rights holders using YouTube Studio Content Manager: Your content includes all eligible claimed videos and videos in your linked channels. Learn more.

Videos’ training permission status will be available by video ID on a publicly accessible interface, the YouTube Data API.

YouTube may share your videos with a third-party company as long as you and all other applicable rights holders have chosen to allow that company.

View and change third-party training settings

Use YouTube Studio

Channel owners can view and change third-party training settings in channel settings in YouTube Studio.

Use YouTube Studio Content Manager

Administrators can view and change third-party training settings on the Settings page in YouTube Studio Content Manager.

Note: Third-party training settings can be changed anytime. There can be a delay of up to 7 days for changes to be reflected in the publicly accessible interface (YouTube Data API).