Migrating 14 years of Evernote content to Obsidian

I have been using Evernote since 2009 and have 18,750 notes and web clippings in my notebooks. During late 2022 and 2023, I experienced an increasing number of issues - the performance of loading Evernote for Mac is sluggish, the search takes forever, and web clipping on Android has been unreliable. The overall usability of Evernote went from poor to bad, and the final straw was the annual price increase from $69.99 to $129.99 this fall.

I decided to migrate my 14 years of content to Obsidian. I documented my journey in this Medium post: https://medium.com/obsidian-observer/switching-from-evernote-to-obsidian-a-painless-migration-guide-6af2a992b7ea

I am still a newbie Obsidian user, so I don't know all the tricks and plugins. This Reddit forum has been very helpful, and I have learned a lot from the community members. I'm re-organizing my notes in 52 Notebook folders using some key ideas from https://johnnydecimal.com/.

Is anybody else here who has done the same migration? Any tips or suggestions that you can share?