returning after 8 years

I cant even believe that this game is already 8 years old. I was one of the many people that was ecstatic about this game in my freshman year of highschool. watching the interviews, hearing i could explore the universe,, it just seemed so futuristic to me at the time. got the game day one and of course initially was amazed by it. but like many , after playing it every chance i got for the first few months i burned out of it. i had tried to come back to my original save sometime in the future once i believe the freighters update was added, but with all the new features at the time and needing this one resource my system didnt have , i got frustrated and just let it go. ended up trading in the ps4 copy i had.. now ,, after seeing it was on sale for a mere 23 bucks , i have decided to hop back in. im hoping that with 8 years of updates , and the fact that i simply no longer have the time i did in highschool i can enjoy this game for the long run.

it is crazy to me how quickly times flies... so much is different now. but when i loaded up the game last night , i got to feel a hit of that excitement that i felt 8 years ago, i am glad that they never gave up on this game.