Bit of a tip: Give yourself achievable goals and assign news ones as you grow.

I feel like I regularly see people lamenting about burn out, or being discouraged because of a lack of growth and I think a lot of that comes from a lack of personal goals. A lot of people here seem to have a singular goal when they start and it's to get monetized. It's fine to have that as a goal, but it can be a long trek to achieve it for some people and that can be discouraging and demotivating.

What helped me a lot in my first year was to assign my own little goals and celebrate them. For me, it was anything from things I could really control, like trying to incorporate something specific in a video or finish a challenging project. Or small sub or view goals that were more realistic for me at the time.

Everyone's journey is a little different, but by and large, most will face really slow periods were you could go a long while without any views due to any number if external factors. But with little goals to work towards, you give yourself more purpose to help weather the hard parts. It's not even just a tip for people starting out, I'm closing in on 19k subscribers and I still do this, it's actually one of the main things that keeps me coming back to my channel because I like achieving self imposed goals or challenges.