Sleep when the baby sleeps?
So when do I pump? When do I clean pump parts? And bottles? When do I cook a meal? And then eat that meal? And wash the dishes? When do I do laundry, vacuum, clean? When do I shower? When do I get stuff done for work? When do I text, call, socialize? When do I take time for myself to do none of this?
I guess I’m just more annoyed at that statement because it’s unrealistic. I’m sick of hearing it. I know what I signed up for, and I’m not complaining. Most days, I choose a few things and get them done. Other days, I get nothing done. It is what it is.
My must dos daily are: —oatmeal and cup of coffee —make the bed —clean dishes and sink —vacuum or load of laundry —reset couch, coffee table, kitchen counters
I also try to make things easier when I can by making sure things are ready and within (screaming baby in arms) reach when I need them—bottles, formula, water, snacks, etc. My meals are prepped so they’re easy to cook. Pump parts are nearby so I can sneak off quickly to pump. Yes, this is my first. 😂 She’s 11wo and things are getting better every day.
What are your must dos daily?