Day 1. Travel journal from china tibet to Nepal Kathmandu


It's always hard to start with. So does travelling, doing business, and everything else.but once you start with, everything will be solved along the way. To be honest, i have always wanting to go to Nepal since 15 years. So I don't think it's just a fling or a idea just popping put of my mind. I have always longing to go to Nepal. The birth place of buddha, the tropical forest, the greatest mountain in the world. So that's how my journey began. First i wanna be thankful for my mitru. Mr. K. . His brotherhood treat to me really makes a part of the big family. Even though we have met in real before i came to Nepal. Second, i wanna be thankful for my mom. Her support for financially and her raised me for 17 years alone really makes me become to do things that i want. Third, thanks to my English teacher, he arouses me the interest of learning English by myself alone for lasting over 12 years. And only with fluent English, that i can travel around the world.

Day 1 in Nepal.

To be honest, if i was asked the first impressions of the first day whole trip. It would be concluded into two words. Luck and unlucky. Seems quite contradictory. But that's really the best word for me to expressmy feelings. Havung been through the 7.6 earthquake but survived safety. But the road back to china and nepal is really damaged seriously. The road is carcked into scatters and there are endless of fallen small pieces of rocks jammed in the narrowed road. And not mentioned the earthquake itself. When j was sleeping at 9 am in bed. Suddenly, i was fallen of the bed because of the severe fluctuations of the building. I tried to stand up. But it seems like the whole world was shaking and there is no safe place for me to stay. Luckily, it only last for a minute. Then i get sobered and asked the chinese businessman friend who stays with me, is it really earthquake? He says he doesn't know. He just wakes up. Until an hour later did we know there is 6.7 earthquake just happened 200kms far from away home.

The broader county is really peaceful and calm as usual. Looks like nothing happened here, yes, everyone was safe and every building is still as safe as that before. But then we got a bad news. The road from county to Nepal kodari is temporarily security checked because of the earthquake just happened. And whether the road opens still needs to be await until 12 am in chinese time. So only wait.

So after playing with phone for 2 hours, the good news, most of the roads to Nepal are safe, but we need to walk for extra 6kms on my own. Anyway, the road to china don't open now. It's lucky for me to know that the roads to Nepal still open now, but how can i get to Nepal? How do i connect with my internet friends without Nepal money, his address? Only knowing his Instagram and telephone number? Now there are too many questions in front of me that i can't figure out. But come on, I just have went through a severe earthquake. I can handle everything on my own. I should go across the broader to Nepal.

There are endless of security checkpoints in both the china and nepal. But the view, wow, also amazing. Seeing endless of mountain groups scratches from tour eyes to the far the outskirts of endless skies. The canyons are so steep and the green water running quickly, spirring endless of splashes along the way. The roads, emmm, it's really bad, especially in nepal, because of the severe altitude from 4500m to 1700m in just 30kms. It's really risky and makes everyone dizzy and sick. But nothing can stops me or even slightly decreased me the excitement to travel to go to another mew country, plus , meeting my friend. So maybe the journey is tough and i have spent the savings of my whole year, i still find it worthwhile.

So we pass the chimese customers,then pass the kodari customers, and then take the personal jeep. I know it's insanely expensive for nepal. Only 6 hours for 2400 nprs. And to he honest, the bus who can only take 7 people just drive 10 people in total. I know i don't have another choice but to undertake that. Because the cheap local bus cost only 500 nprs has already gone because we wasted too much time. That Chinese businessnan just tells me the man is the local villain. 2400 npr is insanely expensive in Nepal. but i can only accept that.

The road and the climate is totally different in Nepal is totally different. You can see all kinds of trees along the way. Not like om Tibet, just endless of snows and rock mountains. But the road in Nepal, emmm, it's really bad that I can't say a word. It's just the mixture of muddy road and bad maintenance cement road. There are endless of pot holes along the way. I just joked with my friend, look, we are in a free shake rides. All the Chinese are laughing bitterly, only hope to getbto kanthamanduas soon as possible.

Don't know it's mentally reactiom or physical reaction. When I first found kanthamandu. I find this city is so unique, busy street, endless of motorbikes along with the engine beeping. I sat by the window of jeep car, just as a total stranger. How was ny friend in Nepal? How can i afford such a long trip about such little money. These questions still unsettled. All i know is that myself, at the last year of college, and gonna stay with my friend's home for 7 days. All of these new things just hitting and hanging me over my head.

Then by the 6 pm, we areive at thamel street. At that time, I don't have Nepal money, neither som card, don't know where i am. What i only know is just the telephone number of my friends. So i asked three people, finally a college students agreed tohelp me, she heard what situation what i am in, then she called that phone number, yes, after my friend mr.k. answered that. She used pathao to help ne fina a bike then I just get in it.

So after the bike, my internet friend comes into me and pays me the motorbike fees first. And drives me into his house. Then i had my first dal baht. His families is really cute and adorable. All people welcomingly says nihao to me. And his big sister offered me a cup of water and what's the pronunciation of water in chinese. She first pronounced wrong. Then i tell to use the upper teeth to bite the down lips. Then she pronounced it.

Then he showed me the way of my room. Oh, it's in the fourth floor, and after introducing the basic information of his families and his house. That's all. After a earthquake, two days for bus and a day for plabe. I finally get into Nepal. What's the future like? I don't know. Do i get well with this family? I don't know. Right now i only know warm hearted friends, and i just nearly escaped from the cuddles of death. and i am now actually in the country that i have been dreaming travelling for 10 years. But I don't know it's the future. And all i need is to have a good sleep.

Hope i have a good day tomorrow.