Not really a Snark just a question...
This summer I wanna giveaway on Instagram for a two-piece canvas. Totally thrilled thought it was awesome. But I only got one of the pieces and I did contact them and they said it somehow got sold, but they would get me another one when it came back in stock. I know that canvases can take a while. But it is from a very well-known designer who I imagine use as a painting service. My question is do I go ahead and ask again? It feels weird because I won it but the canvas doesn't make any sense with just one of the pieces.
I did check in with her. She responded promptly and said that they hadn't forgotten about me. I guess I just wish when it comes to these long lead times they would give updates as reassurance. Everything in Needlepoint takes a long time, but that's probably the worst part to me is just waiting and no word for months, especially when things are so expensive. I just wish it was a more common practice to give customers a quick update.