Are my Dua's being answered or not ?
I’m a 23-year-old woman, and for some time now, I’ve been making constant dua, praying all my salah, reciting istighfar daily, and praying Tahajjud. The reason is that I’m trying to build a future with someone who I truly believe is meant for me. He is one of the kindest and most genuine people I’ve ever met. We met at university, and after five years, I introduced him to my family, and he did the same with his. His family welcomed me wholeheartedly after just one visit, but my parents have been saying no for the past two months without giving me a solid reason.
My parents are not very strict in religious practice, yet they are strict about this situation only because he comes from a different ethnic background. Every time I try to talk to my father, he shuts me down, shames me, and even threatens to make things harder for my younger sister if I continue. He tells me that this person will leave me in a decade, that people will laugh at him for allowing this, and that he can never accept a connection with a family from a different background. He keeps bringing up events that happened over 30 years ago, holding onto past conflicts as a reason to reject someone who has shown me nothing but kindness and respect.
So how does this relate to my duas? Every time I speak to my father, it ends in rejection and tension in my home. I cry, but then I turn to Allah. I make dua in every moment I can while walking, during rain, in the quiet hours of the night. Every time I open my phone, I come across reminders that encourage me to keep making dua, to have patience, and to trust that Allah will bring me what is best. Every single day, I see signs that tell me not to give up. It’s a cycle that repeats, yet instead of losing hope, my prayers become stronger, and my heart becomes more certain.
I’ve been taking action by continuously speaking to my father while also relying on dua, but I don’t know what else I can do. I recently read that maybe I haven’t fully surrendered myself to Allah, and I want to understand what that means. In the past month alone, I’ve faced multiple job rejections, yet I haven’t lost hope in those matters. But this situation is different this is me standing against my family, and the weight of it is heavy.
The person I care for has no doubts. He tells me to trust Allah’s timing and believes in his heart that things will work out in the end, he doesn't stress about it because he says he knows in his heart it will work out, and he prays to ask Allah for forgiveness and ask for us to be together. But my reality is hard my parents see me differently now, my mother resents me, and I feel like an outcast in my own home. My siblings (except for my older brother and parents) support me, but the situation is becoming unbearable.
I need advice. How can I strengthen my duas? How do I completely surrender my heart to Allah? What specific duas should I make? Why does my love for this person keep growing stronger while my parents’ rejection of me keeps getting worse? What do all these signs I keep seeing mean? Any guidance would truly help me right now. I am going to keep talking to my dad more in the next 2 weeks and I know there will be physical abuse coming in but I am not letting go of this guy so please help me out here,
Think of me as your sister please I need your advice, everyone please help a sister out this could come back to you guys in ways you would never expect