When did you ovulate after MC/get your period back?

Hi guys. This is my first cycle after a miscarriage at 5w5d. They told me the pregnancy was not viable based on my hCG numbers not doubling appropriately, so I opted to do the misoprostol rather than wait for my body to do it naturally, as my hCG was still increasing slowly and I had no idea when it would stop and do it on its own…it seemed sick and sad to continue to grow my baby that would never live 💔 I started the misoprostol and started bleeding on August 22nd. I’ve been getting negative HPT for past 2 weeks or so. My doctor told me to wait for 1 “real” period before trying again, which has been so hard, given I have no idea how long it will take to get that back. I am tracking this cycle with Inito to try and understand the next cycle better so I can hopefully conceive, but I am just getting so depressed. I am CD22 today (CD1 as first day of miscarriage bleeding) with no LH surge in sight, not even an estrogen increase…and I just feel so defeated with how long it’s taking to get my cycle back. A few questions for you all: 1. How long did it take for you to ovulate and then get your period back after MC? 2. Did you doctor tell you that you could ttc again right away, or to wait for 1 real period to try again? I am hearing very conflicting information 3. Does anyone have any recommendations for things to do, supplements to use, etc. to start ovulating and getting my cycle back on track?

This is the hardest thing I’ve ever been through and this prolongment is just making it that much harder. I feel so dark, depressed, and hopeless. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this or respond 😞❤️