2021 Ticket Resale Thread


Looking for tickets? Selling tickets? Post below. Any other threads selling or buying tickets will be deleted.

FACE VALUE ONLY (plus shipping)

This subreddit isn't your scalping platform but a place to buy and sell with your fellow redditors!

In Your Post:

Make sure to specify what you are looking for/selling. 4 day? Single day(s)? If so, which days?

If you don't specifically mention a face-value price in your selling post, it will be removed. If you list a price over face value, your post will be removed and you will be banned. This is not stub-hub or craigslist.

Selling "used" wristbands not allowed on here. For example, if you have a 4 day wristband and aren't using it Sunday, you cannot sell it here. Often security will tighten wristbands and even though you can pop them off, it is still a risk to the buyer because tampered wristbands can make it so they can't get in.

Report the post and send a modmail if you observe someone breaking the rules!

Some tips on being smart about selling/buying:

  • Sort this thread's comments by "new" so that you will see the most recent comments.

  • Use paypal or a similar verified online payment method. Do not choose the "send money to family or friends" option, use the seller option. There will be a small fee, but then you can put in the notes what it is for. That way if something goes wrong later, you have proof of the transaction and have recourse to get your money back or to prove that you paid.

  • Have the person change the shipping address to your address. Get the confirmation number so you can confirm that they did.

  • Once you have sold or found tickets, please delete your comment or strike it out.

Other options: If you are looking for a safe and secure way to buy/sell tickets, the best way is going to be through verified/guaranteed sites. (The service fees are kind of crappy, but you don't have to worry about being screwed over and losing your money). Some suggestions:

  • Stubhub

  • Seatgeek

  • TickPick

There are tons of people that get scammed every year. If a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is. Be smart and take the steps needed to ensure you don't lose your money.

EDIT: Alright due to the influx of brand new accounts posting in here I’m going to be removing any comments from accounts that are brand new with no posts and banning you. If you are creating an account to just sell, I’m sorry but you’ll have to find another place to sell (there are many!). It’s safer for everyone to limit it only to old accounts whos post history we can see. Thank you