I think the midterms will be the biggest blue tsunami we have seen in modern American history

I think democrats will retake the house and the senate. The party not in power historically always has an advantage in midterms. Trump’s approval is rapidly dropping. Biden was up +15 in net approval rating at this point. Trump is down -9 in net approval rating. People no longer trust Trump when it comes to the economy. And people are already upset with the Trump administration and town halls are packed with people enraged with what Trump has already done even in red districts.

I also expect the US to go into a recession due to Trump’s idiotic trade war, which would decimate Republican’s chances in the midterms. Economists are already raising concerns of a Trump caused recession. People will not be pleased with Trump when prices skyrocket due to Trump’s tariffs and people lose their jobs in the coming recession. Voters wanted Trump to fix the economy and it looks like he will make things so much worse.

I think the writing is on the wall that the Democrats will blow out the Republicans in the midterms. There already is a backlash to Trump and that will only get worse with time. Trump will fail and life for Americans will get worse because of Trump.