JCPenney, Where No Means…. try to pressure them into saying yes.

Just quit recently and what I will say is this company is gross when it comes to getting people to apply for their credit card.

We are actively told to push for cards and tell them “it will save you 30% off your entire purchase” and actively don’t mention that it may not work with their items until after they signed up.

And if they say no, I’ve seen first hand from my own coworkers pressure them (before they can get the words “no thanks” out) say something along the lines of “Oh cmon! Just try it even if you don’t get accepted you can still get the AMAZING SAVINGS!”

Once again, they are met with a “no thank you” and then comes the “are you sure? Look how much money we can save you scans the item.

And god forbid we are not meeting the district goals, every 10 minutes the radios at every quad will ring out “CMON TEAM! We can do it! Let’s see who’s gonna ride the credit train! 😀”

The pressure they put on guests made me genuinely uncomfortable, so I can only imagine how much the customers must feel.