One of the most important studies on intelligence is the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY). For 50 years, the psychologists identified young people with high ability in math and language arts, then followed their development. Here are some of the things SMPY has taught the world.

➡️ Spatial ability is an important source of excellence in engineering and many science fields.

➡️ There is no threshold at which a higher IQ provides diminishing returns.

➡️ It is possible to use a test at age 13 to predict who will grow up to earn a patent, publish a scholarly work, receive a PhD, and more.

➡️ Academic acceleration (such as grade skipping) is a very beneficial intervention for bright children.

➡️ While IQ matters, a person's level of quantitative, verbal, and spatial abilities is also an important influence on their career and life outcomes.

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