Could I have RH?

Hi guys! Everything in this subreddit has been super helpful. I'm hoping you guys can give me some insight on what might be going on with me.

One day I was cleaning and found a meter I forgot I had at home and just decided to randomly test my bg. I had eaten like 2 hours prior to this and to my surprise my bg was in the 50s. Honestly, I felt fine, but still, seeing that number scared me, so I decided I'd test more.

The next day I decided to take my fasting bg and it was 53. Then I ate my normal breakfast, one hour later it was 90. Then 2 hours later it was 79, and 2.5 hours later, it was 63. I stopped testing after that because I didn't have enough strips (and they are super expensive where I live) but those numbers really surprised me.

What confuses me is my lack of symptoms. Everyone talks about sweating, feeling like they're gonna pass out, nausea... but I don't feel anything, except for extreme fatigue basically every day, and I'm honestly used to it at this point. I think when I actually feel any symptoms is when my bg is dangerously low. One day I felt awful, really irritated and light headed, and the meter just said LO, which I know is a pretty bad sign. So if I'm feeling something I'm probably in the low 40s.

I already made an appointment with an endocrinologist on April 10, and I'm wondering if I should bring up RH at all? Could this be something else? Thanks ❤️