Heart of the Nora Questions
I was doing the Heart of the Nora quest line and for the second encounter, I am wondering two things.
1) Does it matter how many thugs and marksman I put on the board? I know it’s one enemy per spawn, but it’s still an odd number, is there a set number I should do or just however many of each that I feel like
2) there are three spawns for the cultist heavy but only two heavies, do I just pick the two spawns they go in or what?
I asked this in the discord but someone pointed me towards the errata and I didn’t see either of these listed in the errata whatsoever. I may just be blind but I looked 3 or 4 times
Edit: I just saw the reddit errata answers my question for the second question. Also I didn’t ask again in the discord because by the time I saw the response, there was an ongoing conversation and I just felt silly coming back so long after the fact