ITS 5 HOURS (EST TIME) UNTIL THAT DAMN BANNER COMES OUT. AND I DONT.KNOW.WHO.TO.PULL. I was gonna pull for wriothesly because I want a 5 star in all elements and I’m using chongyun right now and I’ve always wanted wrio to go with my neuvillette 👌 BUT now I’m seeing everybody talking about how good furina is her buffs and heals etc and I AM AT A LOSS NOW… so everybody’s opinion who are you gonna pull for and who do you think I should bc now I want both and my fyp is FILLED with furina posts for team comps builds etc WRIO DONT GET ENOUGH LOVE and furina and wriothesly aren’t rerunning for another year AT LEAST so please help me anybody good luck on your pulls and I home you get your grace or furina de fountaine! (HELP ME)