Why do you play your main?

For me, Ayato has been with me since day one. I got his C1 when I was a noob but he never left my party. He has so many team comps and even tho he got powercrept hard, I still find his huge water slashes too satisfying to give up.

Also his role in the story could have been better, but I’ll take it. Please tell me about your mains and why you love them.

For me, Ayato has been with me since day one. I got his C1 when I was a noob but he never left my party. He has so many team comps and even tho he got powercrept hard, I still find his huge water slashes too satisfying to give up.

Also his role in the story could have been better, but I’ll take it. Please tell me about your mains and why you love them.