Y’know this sub lately reminds me a lot about r/virgin

It’s been a while, but the daily doomer posting and gender war posts makes me reminiscent of it. And you know what I’m gonna give y’all some advice.

Yeah some of you are cooked. For the terminally online dudes here, looks definitely matter, height matters to a degree, 5’8 or above and you should be good, 5’5-5’7 and it will be a lot more difficult, but not impossible, anything below and you’re playing on expert difficulty. Personality does matter to degree as well, some of y’all think women are a monolith, which isn’t true, there’s certain types of women, but I can guarantee for every 10 women who like a certain type of guy or trait in a guy, there’s one who either doesn’t like that or doesn’t care. Ofc remember dating apps are gonna be filled with considerably more shallow people, and it’s the same with the internet, the algorithm shows people what the want to see and creates echo chambers, so the question is are women a monolith in real life? No, so ya gotta learn to separate real life from the internet. There are certain things on dating apps that work that would probably get you slapped for irl. Don’t forget there’s nuance to these things.

Dating apps are mostly rigged against you, unless you’re already handsome and a social savant. For dudes in their late 20s to 30s it’s a different game, but for now revel in your age. And self improvement is king, again there’s certain things that will improve your looks dramatically. Gym, haircut, new diet, new clothes, moisturizing, pursuing a career/education. Again it’s not as easy as it sounds , it’s gonna take time, probably 6 months to a couple years. And an attractive fit tall guy is gonna be more desirable than an attractive fit short guy most of the time. But it’s not the end all be all.

As for meeting people irl, it’s kinda just something that has to happen naturally Y’know? Dudes that’s go out looking for women are genuinely regarded as creepy, I personally don’t agree, but that seems to be where we are. If you are gonna do that It has be in mutual ground, like a party or bar. For places like class or clubs, that has to happen naturally, you don’t want to be the weirdo who joined a club just to get laid lmao. Unless it’s like a running club or something like that.

Again crooked or extra long noses, deformities, weird eyes, neurodivergent guys, really really short dudes, etc. I don’t got nothing for you and a lot of people won’t either. Why? Because myself and others can’t fathom what it must be like to live in your shoes and it’s honestly disrespectful to try and give you advice.

My advice really extends towards young ugly guys who think it’s over, but still have potential. I get it, it’s hard, but for fucks sake some of y’all are 17, it might not be over. For me in high school, I was mostly a loser and that didn’t change much until the end of sophomore year of college. But y’all got to put in the work. Y’know some guys are born lucky, but at the end of the day that’s what it is to be a man, put in the work and quit bitchin. Women have their own shit to go through, it’s just different from the male experience is all, but you’re not gonna change the game and I’m not gonna lie to you and say it’s always gonna be fair, cause it ain’t, but it’s either wallow in despair, which some of y’all will unfortunately be relegated to or play the game, cause that’s what life is, and if you don’t give it your all, I don’t see how you can complain, and for the ones who did and lost, sorry bros, there’s nothing I can give you.

Some of y’all might resinate, some of y’all might not, I’ll accept that.

TLDR; For some of the younger men out there feeling like it’s over (relationship wise) it’s not easy but you gotta put the extra work in to make it.