Finished ballad of gay tony
Wow man, the missions were so so good and it completely hit rid of what my main criticism was for the base game (mission variety). Seeing how the story connected between the 3 characters was absolutely amazing I already really enjoyed the game but with this dlc I can happily say i loved my time with this game.
Thoughts on Luis? I feel like I never see anyone talk much about him but I really enjoyed his no nonsense no bs personality and I also really liked his voice lol. I feel like also out of the whole diamond situation he won man, he's friends with a billionaire and based off the ending cutscene they will probably expand the nightclub business with the help of yusufs father.
With all that said I think overall Yusuf amir was the best and my favorite character out of GTA 4 he's just so hilarious and real asf. Him just blowing people up on the way to bulgarin had me hyped