Hopelessly Devoted to my (29M) Best Friend (27F)

I don't even know where to begin. Basically this girl And i knew eachother for a few years but we started working together and we grew really close. At first I didn't even view her in an romantic sense for pretty much the entire time we worked together because she said she was queer and I don't think shes ever dated a man before. We basically started texting alot and hanging out outside of work alot and going to events with friends and even hanging out alone at my place and going out to bars and stuff. We don't work together anymore but the best friendship is as strong as ever. We became best friends for the last like year and a half and I would absolutely do anything for her. We even say we love you to eachother.

Just to spell out my feelings, yeah im really in love with her, and i don't think she feels the same but something inside me says she does.

She has made many comments that she was queer early on and I would just joke around and flirt and didn't really mean it, I was just trying to be annoying and playful as best friends do. As time went on we started hanging out more and we grew closer and closer. I remember one day we were at an event and we were just laughing so hard together and I had this thought like "holy shit i really like her" so much so that I haven't felt this strongly about someone in a long time. A little background on me, I have spent basically my entire 20s single and really didn't want to date because focusing on my goals was always first priority, but she changes that completely, I absolutely want to date her.

I felt she was starting to crush on me too, she would wrap around my arm and sometimes hold my hands when we would walk and I was SURE she liked me back because over time she started to make comments saying flatout that she was bisexual so I just thought that she was throwing hints like "hey i know i said i was queer in the past but IM BISEXUAL!" I started to flirt a little bit more and "test" the waters if you will. I quickly got the vibe that she was NOT into me or men at all. After those couple of weeks of "testing the waters" she started calling me buddy and homie more and more. So, i quickly stopped flirting with her. Which i was totally cool with, the last thing I want to do is make her uncomfy. A bit background on her, she doesn't really show affection as much as i do, i grew up in a very mooshy and lovey dovery household and I don't think she did. It seems being affectionate (not nessicarliy romantically) makes her uncomfy.

We continued to hang out as best friends and had the best times ever, she's fucking incredible and I was totally cool with just being her best friend if that's all she wanted. Fast forward to the last 4 months or so, it seems to me she is crushing on me again based on how she acts and touches me and stuff. She even asks who im texting if its a girl and calls it out, so i feel a hint of jealousy in there, which honestly makes me happy because in my head, that means she likes me too. She always texts me good morning and calls me king and cares so deeply for me. Even waking up extra early everytime i leave town to bring me snacks and drinks and hug me before I leave, even if im gone for only a day. For the record I could completely reading the situation wrong. Some of her friends keep asking me "what are you guys?" "do you like her" and Im even afraid to tell them how much i like her because if they tell her and she does NOT feel the same, the friendship will basically be ruined. Side note we ALWAYS get asked what we are at bars and stuff and she always is fast to say "just friends" and im like "ha...ha... yeah!"

My feelings continue to grow basically everytime i see her. Again, I have never made a move other than kissing her on the cheek or holding her hand. Im her absolute biggest fan, i think she's the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on. Literally when im in public and i see another beautiful girl all I can think about is my best friend. I could see myself being with her forever, she's the perfect woman. I can't describe how deeply I like her. For the last year and a half i have stopped using dating apps, going on dates and hanging out with other potential romantic parters Because I just have such strong feelings about her. Basically last month I thought "fuck it, this isn't going anywhere we are just best friends" so I went on a few dates with another person and all i could think about was her, i quickly ended contact with said person.

Am i fool for waiting? Should I make a move? For the record I don't think she's ever even done anything with a guy. Im just not sure what to do anymore. If i make a move and she does not feel the same, there goes the best friendship I ever had. Im also really fucking afraid to make a move lol. I don't know ahhhh. I Feel like im also leaving out so many details but I have typed enough. Let me know your thoughts.