$271 Fedex Ground Quote resulted in $3,156 Invoice

Near the beginning of December, I shipped a heavy package from Los Angeles to Saskatoon, Canada. Not knowing the actual weight of the package, I estimated that it weighed 150 lbs. Got the quote for $271, and thought that sounded great. Fedex came and picked it up. Shortly after this, I discovered that there is a weight limit for Fedex ground of 150 lbs. From what I read it could be up to $1,250. Unsure of the exact weight of the package, I immediately called Fedex and asked what to do to avoid the charge. The package was still at the local Fedex location. The Fedex Rep I have been talking with at this point said that we could either hold the package at its location, or we could let the shipment continue. He said that I would likely still have the $1,250 charge (but maybe not), and that if I did he would be able to issue credits towards this charge. He also said Fedex should have never accepted the package, and that since I was trying to stop it he would cooperate. Anyway, the package arrived, and weighed 166 lbs. On top of the $271 base rate, I was hit with a $369 Fuel Surcharge, a $718 Demand Charge, and a $1,796 Unauthorized Package (overweight) fee, totaling $3,156! I reached out back to the Rep I had been dealing with, and he was able to credit $2,200. This is fantastic, but it still leaves me with a $956 bill to be paid on a shipment that I was expecting to cost me $271. Any advice? What can I do here? Had I known when I first discovered that there was likely going to be an overweight fee when the package was still in LA, I certainly would have stopped it and picked it up. However, due to the Fedex rep's recommendation I let it go through, and am now hit with a nearly $1000 bill, exactly what I was originally trying to avoid.