Isekai stories and language barriers
I was wondering how you all are feeling about language barriers when it comes to isekai stories. Do you like them? Dislike them? Or are you neutral about it?
I'm currently planning an isekai story, and I just can't make up my mind if the protagonist should just magically understand everyone, or if there should be a language barrier. On one hand, I think a language barrier would be more realistic and would make things even more interesting. It would add a whole new sub-plot and even layers to already planned out plots.
On the other hand, it would make things so much more complicated, and as someone who has learned several languages I know how awfully long it takes to get fluent in a language. Yes, I could speed it up, because it's fiction but I just know I couldn't bring myself to. I would constantly think "Yeah, no way you've learned that so fast". 🫠
I also worry that it would get boring after a while, if the language struggle drags on too long (not only for the reader, but for me as well).
An alterantive would be to solve it with magic. Having her learn the language for a while, but then either giving her the ability to speak the language fluently, or at least learn it faster, before the communication problem overstays its welcome. That would make sense within the world’s logic, but it also feels a little cheap.
I know this is ultimately my decision, but I was hoping to hear some opinions (and maybe idea, if you want to share) to help me make up my mind. Because right now, that's the only thing that stops from from starting the story and it's starting to drive me insane. 😭