After logging in to FFnet after 10 years, I've never been more grateful for ao3's existence

After years of exclusively posting on ao3, I suddenly remembered that FFnet exists and decided to start cross-posting my non-explicit fics over to the site. I have a 13 year old account from my middle school days, back when I was just a reader, but I elected to make a new account a few days ago, just to start fresh.

What I can say is: wow. I haven't logged in in almost ten years, but nothing about the site has changed. The UI is still as ugly and outdated as ever. But what really shocked me isn't the cosmetics—it's how unusable the site is as a writer. I didn't realize how good I had it as someone who only started writing after ao3 had long become the most mainstream site for archiving fics.

On ao3? You hit post and your fic is live, ready for anyone to read and leave comments on. On FFnet it takes hours for your fic to be visible. On ao3, adding chapters to your fic is as easy as clicking a few buttons and again, it goes live immediately. I was able to post the first chapter of my fic to FFnet successfully, but it won't allow me to post the second chapter. The site is redirecting me to a 404 page and then logging me out every time I try. FFnet is so broken and unusable that even posting your writing—the entire purpose of the site—is seemingly impossible. This is not even to mention how stupid and unintuitive the Doc Manager system is, something I was completely ignorant to when I was just a kid and never had any intention of uploading anything to the site. I don't know how we lived like this.

The culture of the site is also so different. After years of using ao3, it felt like both a culture shock and a blast to the past to read reviews full of snarky comments, completely useless "constructive criticism" that just consists of "I don't like how you wrote this," and demands for writers to update fics. It didn't hit me until now that on ao3, you get comments; on FFnet you get reviews, a lot of them from people who have very little respect for writers and don't know what the word "constructive" in constructive criticism means. The worst part is that site policy encourages this: "If someone rightfully criticizes a portion of the writing, take it as a compliment that the reviewer has opted to spend their valuable time to help improve your writing." The culture of FFnet itself encourages one's writing to be heavily scrutinized, as if I'm writing for a panel of judges and not as a hobby and for fun.

In contrast, I've mostly gotten positive comments on ao3, at least in my limited experience as a writer who doesn't get tens of thousands of hits. Even when people ask for updates, it's in a much gentler way. And yes, there are times when I wish ao3 had more of a culture of genuine constructive criticism, but I'm also a lot more comfortable on ao3 because people have generally been kinder. I currently have only one fic successfully uploaded to FFnet (because the site won't allow me to post the 4 more I've already used the Doc Manager to upload), and knowing how rude people on the site can get makes me nervous to check my inbox.

TL;DR: I had forgotten how good I have it now on ao3 until I logged in to FFnet and remembered how much worse things used to be in almost every conceivable way. This has genuinely made me more motivated to donate to ao3 in the future.

Edit: I will say that the one thing I miss from FFnet is the forums. I spent way too much time lurking on FFnet forums as a kid, so it's definitely a part of Internet culture I miss.