Pumping and night time feeding?

My husband and I have our first almost 7 week old. I’ve been EPing since about week 1 and lately I’ve almost given up attempting to have her latch on, and even becoming a bit more lax with pumping because I’m exhausted (we supplement with formula, and my milk supply is prob average or below).

With that said, how did you mommas cope with night feeding? I hear that a lot of parents split shifts. I found pumping and then feeding to be so freaking exhausting if I took on a shift. That’s at least a 40-50 minute ordeal per feed and then some to get to sleep. I remember wanting to give my husband time to sleep and did about 2-3 of those a night and was wrecked the next day- tears and insanity.

After seeing that, my husband offered to take all night shift feeds so I can only get up to pump once or twice. I feel like a POS for that because he’s a resident and has difficult work schedules while I stay at home with her before I go back to school (will also have very difficult hours). He says he can cope with the sleep deprivation but I hardly believe him.

Any advice? How did you mommas pump and feed? Or did you skip night pumps because I’m already dying to. I really can’t be a person when I’m so deprived. I’m actually heavily mourning my pre-baby life and feel guilty but also scared that I wasn’t prepared for any of this. I get the job done and keep LO safe but I feel like I’m breaking slowly (seeing a psychiatrist today).