Screwed up with dinner now I’m losing it
Weekdays are easy for me, I stay in my routine and I know what I’m eating with little thought or effort so I’m able to micromanage and control. Weekends are harder but normally I have a very high level of self control. Today was one of those days where everything went wrong and my family ordered takeout tonight for a family movie night (we don’t do this often now that everyone’s older and working and such). I stuck to a homemade salad that I was fine with but caved with the leftover fries. Now I am beside myself and I have an extended family function at a restaurant tomorrow that I was already tense over. I’m going to look beyond bloated for this function now and I don’t know what to do with myself. I don’t purge because I hate the thought of throwing up so now this weight is just going to sit on me until I can overcompensate for it this week.