New Hack - Silicone Ear Plugs = Thread Magic
A while back I got curious about what thread magic (which is expensive and I go through quite a bit, especially since I have more than one project kit on the go at once) is actually made of.
Ultimately I learned that it is a pretty basic silicone putty. But in the process I stumbled across a post on Tumblr which intrigued me. It claimed that cheap silicone ear plugs (available at the Walmart next to my job for $3 a dozen) were basically the same thing at a fraction of the cost.
It took me a while to remember this post while actually in a store but today was the day. I picked up a pack and compared them side by side by feel with my freshest container of thread magic, the earplugs were visually the same and felt the same, if possibly a bit stickier than I remember fresh thread magic being.
I ran thread through it as well and it behaved just as the thread magic does. I did not have time to do any major stitching, but even if it's not a perfect substitute it's certainly close enough for the money. I've already taken my grubbiest container and emptied and refilled it with a fresh earplug, ready for my next chance to stitch.
A while back I got curious about what thread magic (which is expensive and I go through quite a bit, especially since I have more than one project kit on the go at once) is actually made of.
Ultimately I learned that it is a pretty basic silicone putty. But in the process I stumbled across a post on Tumblr which intrigued me. It claimed that cheap silicone ear plugs (available at the Walmart next to my job for $3 a dozen) were basically the same thing at a fraction of the cost.
It took me a while to remember this post while actually in a store but today was the day. I picked up a pack and compared them side by side by feel with my freshest container of thread magic, the earplugs were visually the same and felt the same, if possibly a bit stickier than I remember fresh thread magic being.
I ran thread through it as well and it behaved just as the thread magic does. I did not have time to do any major stitching, but even if it's not a perfect substitute it's certainly close enough for the money. I've already taken my grubbiest container and emptied and refilled it with a fresh earplug, ready for my next chance to stitch.