PSA: Your powerful decks that happen to not have any Game Changers per the new bracket system are not 2s. They are 3s or 4s.
To many posts are flying around saying things like, "looks like my deck is bracket 2 (precon level) even though it can win on turn 4 or 5." If you've genuinely had this thought, or are curious why Moxfield is saying your strong deck is in bracket 2, read Gavin's article or watch his YouTube video about the bracket system. It expressly states that decks can fit the card restrictions of bracket 2, but still be much more powerful, and are in fact 3s or 4s. The brackets are more then just the card parameters. There is a philosophy behind each bracket that needs to be applied in conjunction with the card parameters when determining what bracket a deck is in. Per the bracket system, decks that are known to be much more powerful then precons are NOT 2s. Trying to pass a highly synergistic deck with near optimal card choices as brackets 2 because it fits within bracket 2's card parameters incorrectly applies the bracket system. You're either doing it wrong or being intentionally misleading. You can't (currently) rely on Moxfield to apply the philosophy, it only looks at the parameters. Ultimately, correctly applying the bracket system comes down the the brewer honesty factoring in the card parameters and the philosophy of each bracket.