It's actually eerie how fake everything is
The other day on tiktok there was a video and she looked really odd, like something was 'off'. I watched all her videos and they were just not right. Somebody commented "dead internet theory" and I researched it and it makes so much sense.
I was just scrolling X looking at a hashtag to see what was happening in a show I like, and I realised there was a 'woman' tweeting very similar things to other people. Like one person would write a tweet about the show, this woman had written a similar one. . A different person tweeted, the same woman had a similar tweet. They have many more followers than they follow. I've come across this before, but had always assumed it was people just copying others, but some of these tweets, similar as they were, didn't make sense, like they'd change the word "this" to "a", rendering the sentence nonsensical.
I genuinely worry how much content is put out there that is AI and bots! I am not actually a huge social media consumer. I go through days where I'll watch tiktoks and browse reddit, and once in a blue moon, X, but then I go back to not using it. But it is concerning that so many people are just taking in this shit as fact. Even the real people on social media just copy other people's content who probably copied it from someone else. And then you see the obviously set up videos, but people commenting it fully believing it's real.