My thoughts on solo flawlesses as an above average PvPer
For context my lifetime kda in trials is 1.36 with 125x flawlesses before this weekend. I’m by no means a God or even amazing player, but I am able to hold my own while solo queuing.
This past weekend, I solo queued with a 2.54 kd and 3.06 kda. I only got a chance to play Monday but I played for about 5 hours and did not manage to get a flawless ticket in but I did reach the lighthouse a few times.
The new trials system (to me) seems much more rewarding to the average or lower skill players, and also more rewarding to extremely good players that typically run in stacks. But for people like me who previously played for flawlesses by myself, it seems to be slightly more difficult solely because there’s no mercy system anymore.
Call me trash, shit, bad, whiny, what have you. But this is my take as a solo player having only played for the last day of the weekend. How do the rest of you feel?