brain fog & cervical instability

if anyone wants an explanation as to why you have brain fog with cci after extensive research & solution

with cci, we never feel quite 100% with mental acuity when you have cci your carotid sheath is compressed pretty much constantly leading to vagus nerve irritation, blood vessel compression, and jugular compression (fluid accumulates in the brain that’s supposed to be flushed through the jugulars, creating excess debris up there). this all can create low grade chronic neueoinflammation, especially irritation / compression of the vagus nerve. the brain is made up of 90% glial cells, and when the inflammation switch turns on they cannot fulfill their primary function (enabling brain to work) instead they switch to an immune function to fight inflammation (repair clean up excess debris) etc. so that is why you don’t feel 100% ‘right’ even when your alignment seems to be better than other days. the solutions to this are eating an anti inflammatory diet & lots of healthy fats, lifestyle changes - no smoking reducing drinking etc. and fixing the root cause (take pressure off carotid sheath & letting brain drain) it takes a while for the glial cells to change their function and let the brain operate as it once did

food for thought. also highly recommend goats milk colostrum to reduce inflammation, or prednisone for temporary relief - you may feel 100% back to normal, but it’s bad for you long term and can weaken ligaments even more. natural route is always the best!