What would you do?

What would you do?

Hello. Last week, our 8m/o male cat Didier got hit by a car. The first check-up at the vet didn’t look promising: a broken femur and a displaced vertebra that has left his little tail paralyzed. We had to anxiously wait to see if he could still urinate on his own.

Didier has been very brave and showed us that he can still urinate independently.

We were advised to let him rest in a crate for six weeks.

A second opinion from an orthopedic specialist revealed that the fracture had shifted. We now have two options: surgery or amputation. Since Didier is still such a young cat (8 months old), we would love to go for surgery, but it costs 2,500 euros…

In the meantime, Didier has already started moving his tail. He cleans himself, uses the litter box, is full of energy, and has started playing again. However, we are deeply concerned that the fracture won’t heal properly without surgery. Our home vet advised us to let him rest in the bench for 6 weeks to see how his leg heals, since we told that surgery was too expensive for us. We also started a fundraise in the hope of a miracle.

What would you do? Go for the amputation or wait how his leg heals, even though it doesn’t seem to promising?