NKD Vosteed Porcupine

I don't understand how this is fair to the other budget knife companies. The action is so smooth, no break in period. The blade is so sharp, nice 14c28n, I like stainless. Personally I like the wire pocket clip, nice and minimal. G10 handle is very comfortable in my hand. My only one small complaint is that my Mini Nightshade came with a nicer pouch, but that feels like a drop in the bucket. I highly recommend at the price point.

I don't understand how this is fair to the other budget knife companies. The action is so smooth, no break in period. The blade is so sharp, nice 14c28n, I like stainless. Personally I like the wire pocket clip, nice and minimal. G10 handle is very comfortable in my hand. My only one small complaint is that my Mini Nightshade came with a nicer pouch, but that feels like a drop in the bucket. I highly recommend at the price point.