episodes you avoid on a rewatch and why?

i rewatch pretty much every episode except for two each time: the new client (season 6 episode 2) and nice while it lasted (the finale).

the new client makes me way too stressed, the baby sounds and music in the background are so effective but also SO overwhelming, in combination with all the things princess carolyn has to keep on top of throughout the episode i just find it incredibly stressful and an uncomfortable watch. also, as a woman, knowing what this kind of thing is what’s likely in store for me when i have a child will likely be managing work too. great episode, with an ending i love, but my god if it doesn’t feel like my ghost for christmas future.

the finale upsets me too much to ever rewatch again. i was in a bad way when i first watched bojack horseman (as were most people i imagine) and watching it gave me a sense of comfort, a feeling that i wasn’t alone and i grew incredibly attached to it. watching the finale was my realisation that i no longer had anything to distract myself with, and my wake up call that i needed to move on with my life instead of trying to be hurt or wallowing in self pity. when i finished the epsiode, i sobbed for about 30 minutes, i was shaking, hyperventilating and i don’t think i could ever rewatch that episode and feel that same feeling i felt when i finished it for the first time. still can’t listen to mr blue, and it’s been almost 7 months since i finished it.

anyway, what’s everyone’s thoughts?