I made abilities and characteristics for all the demons that are missing as demon slaves from Bayonetta 3: HEKATONCHEIR, SCOLOPENDRA, HYDRA, DIOMEDES and CARNAGE. Complete with new Enochian chants. Very long post.
Fanart for reference (all credit goes to u/BayoLover - https://www.reddit.com/r/Bayonetta/s/VlNU6l2Hum)
·Climax: VGEG GIZYAX (Strong Earthquake)
·Demon Slave: GIZYAX (Earthquake)
UNIQUE TRAITS: Hekatoncheir has a fighting style very similar to Madama Butterfly, but a little slower and more powerful. He attacks with powerful punches and kicks that can cause earthquakes and stun even the toughest enemies.
EARTHQUAKE (SP): Hit the ground shaking the entire battlefield, throwing all enemies off balance.
MUSCLES OF THE MOUNTAIN: Gains stun resistance when taking damage.
MUSCLES OF THE MOUNTAIN II: Grants additional stun resistance when taking damage.
SON OF GAIA (PUNCH, PUNCH, PUNCH, PUNCH): Gives a triple left punch, another right and a punch up and another down.
TARTARUS RAGE (HOLD PUNCH): Charge up a powerful slamming punch.
LANDSLIDE (PUNCH IN AIR): Drop to the ground delivering a large six-punch that shakes the ground.
MINOTAUR QUAKE (PUNCH SOON AFTER JUMPING): Descend downwards with all your fists on the ground.
ROLLING BOULDER (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + PUNCH): Ball up and roll forwards, running over everyone.
GROUND ERUPTION (HOLD R, L STICK ↓ + PUNCH): Slam the ground, sending a rocky spike upwards, sending enemies upwards.
HIGH IMPACT (L STICK ↓, L STICK ↑ + PUNCH): Clap your hands releasing an intense shock wave forward.
PESTLE (L STICK⟳ + PUNCH): Rotate in one motion with arms outstretched.
EARTHQUAKE (KICK, KICK, KICK): Do two stomps on the ground and a kick forward. The stomps will throw rocks to the sides.
PILLARS OF THE WORLD (HOLD KICK): Charge up your kicks, making them more powerful.
PLANETARY IMPACT (KICK IN AIR): Go down with a diagonal kick.
KILL BILL (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + KICK): Deliver a double kick forwards.
OLYMPIC PERFORMANCE (HOLD R, L STICK ↓ + KICK): Do a cartwheel backwards, delivering a powerful kick.
FLIP KICK (L STICK ↓, L STICK ↑ + KICK): Perform a jumping backwards attack that throws enemies up.
BREAKDANCE (L STICK ⟳ + KICK): Spins around on it's back while kicking enemies. Press (B) to extend.
HOT HEAD (SHOOT): Throw a blue fireball at the enemy.
HELIO’S FLARE (HOLD SHOOT): Create a more powerful fireball from your head.
FIRE DRILL (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + SHOOT): Send a fireball forwards. This fireball goes through enemies and explodes.
FLAME OF OLYMPUS (L STICK ↓, L STICK ↑ + SHOOT): Throw a plume of fire forward. Hold C to extend.
METEORS (L STICK ⟳ + SHOOT): Launch several fireballs upwards and make them rain all over the battlefield.
·Climax: BABALON BUTMON (Wicked Mouth)
·Demon Slave: BABALON (Wicked)
UNIQUE TRAITS: Scolopendra uses its huge body, sharp jaws and paws to deal extreme damage to the enemy very quickly.
KILOMETRIC BODY (JUMP): Jump to get more of your body out of the portal.
HUNDRED ARMS EMBRACE (SP): Scolopendra wraps itself around an enemy and will squeeze them then throw them upwards.
BLEED: All attacks will make enemies bleed and lose vitality for a while. ↓ BLEED II: Increases the damage of bleed.
TRIPLE BITE (PUNCH, PUNCH, PUNCH): Scolopendra will bite the enemy three times.
PESTILENT JAWS (HOLD PUNCH): Bite the enemy after charging up, poisoning them.
LEGGED SPIN (PUNCH SOON AFTER JUMPING): Rise up while spinning and hitting every enemy around you.
SHOOTING CENTIPEDE (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + PUNCH): Charge up and shoot your body forwards at enemies.
GOUGING PINCERS (HOLD R, L STICK ↓ + PUNCH): Send the enemy flying with a powerful attack of your jaws.
POISON SPEAR (L STICK ↓, L STICK ↑ + PUNCH): Throw the enemy upwards with your head.
LEG SPIN (L STICK ⟳ + PUNCH): Spin in a large circle with your body hitting enemies.
RAMPANT CHARGE (KICK): Dash forward, hitting all enemies in your path.
MAD CHARGE (HOLD KICK): Keep charging forwards, hitting even more people.
HURRICANE OF ONE THOUSAND LEGS (KICK SOON AFTER JUMPING): Spin in a wide spiral upwards, hitting everyone.
BURY (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + KICK): Charge while going underground and hitting grounded enemies.
HUGGING JAWS (HOLD R, L STICK ↓ + KICK): Bring enemies from far away near you.
GIANT WHIP (L STICK ↓, L STICK ↑ + KICK): Hit the ground with your body.
UP AND DOWN (L STICK ⟳ + KICK): Dive to the ground and lunge forward.
STAKE (SHOOT): Shoots a poisonous stake from its mouth towards enemies.
TOXIC IMPALEMENT (HOLD SHOOT): Charge up a more powerful poisonous stake from your mouth.
VENOMOUS DRILL (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + SHOOT): Shoot out a powerful spinning stake that pushes enemies away.
SHARP EXPLOSION (L STICK ↓, L STICK ↑ + SHOOT): Blast multiple spikes, sending shards flying everywhere.
QUAD STRIKE (L STICK⟳ + SHOOT): Shoot four spikes in all directions.
·Climax: EOPHAN BUTMONI (Lamentating Mouths)
·Demon Slave: EOPHAN (Lamentations)
UNIQUE TRAITS: Hydra's abilities take form in their snake heads, which the main veiled head seems to have control over. The heads are capable of constricting and squeezing prey to death in a similar manner to Scolopendra and can also attack with surprising speed to use their physical mass as a weapon. Hydra heads can also let out a piercing scream that is powerful enough to deflect enemy projectiles, and the red blades on each snake head can also deflect attacks; they are so sharp.
POSEIDON'S GRIP (SP): Grab the enemy with their heads and squeeze them to throw. Press P repeatedly to squeeze further.
RAGE OF ATHENA: Increases the power of the "Poseidon Grip" attack.
RAGE OF ATHENA II: Increases the power of the "Poseidon's Grip" attack even more.
QUEEN OF THE GORGONS (PUNCH, PUNCH, PUNCH): Slash at enemies with your hair blades to the sides twice and finish off with a forward slam with your head.
MADNESS OF THE GORGON QUEEN (HOLD PUNCH): Add several random slashes with the free heads for extra damage.
LIFELINE (PUNCH IN AIR): Send your heads towards the ground and use them as a grapple to send yourself towards the ground.
MOTHER OF PEGASUS (PUNCH SOON AFTER JUMPING): Jump while swinging your heads wildly.
BURIED HEAD (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + PUNCH): Leap forward a long distance while slamming your heads on the ground.
LERNAEAN MUD (HOLD R, L STICK ↓ + PUNCH): Release a cursed black mud around yourself while sliding forwards and hitting enemies in your way. This mud makes it easier to break enemies' guards and can be ignited by fire.
CRANIAL IMPACT (L STICK ↓, L STICK ↑ + PUNCH): Slash forward with your heads.
SPRING OF ATHENA (L STICK⟳ + PUNCH): Contract your heads and release them like a spring, hitting enemies at all sides. Hold A for more power.
TAIL WHIP (KICK, KICK, KICK): Use your tail to lash out like a whip at the enemy.
HYDRA’S BLOOD (HOLD KICK): Douse your tail with your own blood, this causes more damage to enemies hit by your tail attacks.
HERACLES’ ARROW (KICK FROM AIR): Send your tail downwards like an arrow into the ground.
SNAKE TAIL (KICK SOON AFTER JUMPING): Jump quickly while swinging your tail upwards.
SWAMP SLIDE (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + KICK): Swing your tail around the ground while spinning and sliding forwards.
HERCULEAN APPROACH (HOLD R, L STICK ↓ + KICK): Grab one enemy with your hair and throw it at another enemy.
SLINGSHOT OF ZEUS (L STICK ↓, L STICK ↑ + KICK): Attach their heads in front of you and pull towards the enemy.
CHARYBDIS (L STICK ⟳ + KICK): Spin around, slamming your tail into all enemies.
AGONY OF THE GORGONS (SHOOT): Deliver a powerful screech in the direction of the enemy.
RAGE AGAINST THE GODS (HOLD SHOOT): Increase the power of your screeching.
EYE OF THE GORGON (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + SHOOT): Release a petrifying energy sphere from your eyes that can stop smaller enemies in their tracks.
PETRIFYING GAZE (L STICK ↓, L STICK ↑ + SHOOT): Send a ray from your main head's eyes at the enemy that will slowly turn them to stone, given enough time.
AN INNOCENT’S LAMENT (L STICK⟳ + SHOOT): Scream to all sides in a huge explosion.
·Climax: MICALP NAZPS (Mighty Sword)
·Demon Slave: NAZPS (Sword)
POLO (SP): Perform multiple slashes while quickly running through enemies.
RIDE OF THE GODS: Run for a longer time.
RIDE OF THE GODS II: Run for an even longer time.
HERACLES' PUNISHMENT (PUNCH, PUNCH, PUNCH, PUNCH): A series of slashes to the enemy.
EIGHTH LABOUR (HOLD PUNCH): Charge up the next slash with a strong follow up series of slashes.
HEPHAESTUS’ FALL (PUNCH IN AIR): Spin while descending with your blade extended.
SPEAR OF ATHENA (PUNCH SOON AFTER JUMPING): Rise with a powerful piercing attack with your horn.
SWORD OF THANATOS (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + PUNCH): Slash while charging forwards at your foes.
WRATH OF THE KERES (HOLD R, L STICK ↓ + PUNCH): Slash upwards in a swift motion with your horn, sending enemies into the air.
DIMENSIONAL CUT (L STICK↓, L STICK↑ + PUNCH): Make a very strong cut horizontally. Hold A for more power.
JUDGMENT (L STICK⟳ + PUNCH): Deliver multiple cuts at once.
TRAMPLE (KICK, KICK, KICK): Deliver two stomps with your hooves, ending in a strong kick with your hind legs.
HORSES OF WAR (HOLD KICK): Add a few extra stomps to your attacks.
CRUSHER (KICK IN AIR): Descend from the air with a stomp.
TERROR OF THRACE (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + KICK): Run forward while running over everything in your path.
HERA’S FURY (HOLD R, L STICK ↓ + KICK): Deliver a powerful kick with your hind legs that sends enemies flying.
EQUINE TRICK (L STICK↓, L STICK↑ + KICK): Use your hooves to break enemy armour. Hold Kick for more power.
HEAD DESTROYER (L STICK⟳ + KICK): Spin-kick enemies all around you.
ROYAL BLADE (SHOOT): Send forth energy blades from your horn.
UNNATURAL HUNGER (HOLD SHOOT): Charge up the energy blades with power, making them go through enemies.
POSEIDON'S BLESSING (SHOOT IN AIR): Descend while spinning with your blade outstretched.
TROJAN HORSE (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + SHOOT): Slash at the ground, creating a powerful wave of energy that travels in a straight line.
MAD KING (L STICK↓, L STICK↑ + SHOOT): Throw a blade of energy along the ground forward.
GREEK IMPALEMENT (L STICK⟳ + SHOOT): Drive your blade into the ground causing it to appear under the enemy.
·Climax: CNILA FAAIP (Blood Voices)
·Demon Slave: CNILA (Blood)
UNIQUE TRAITS: Carnage is summoned as a whole swarm that works around a leader as a unique being, with a few attacks spreading them around. The leader is the one who needs to be hit for rage to increase, making it a tough target to hit.
JUMP: Go higher into the air with the swarm, release to descend.
CALL FOR THE SWARM (SP): Increases the rage of the swarm, more rage makes the swarm increase in size, making them cover a larger area and cause more damage.
PLAGUE: Cause enemies to gain the “Infection” status effect, this causes them to get more easily stunned.
PLAGUE II: Increase the duration of the “Infection” effect.
COLONY ATTACK (PUNCH): Make the swarm advance towards the enemy in a sweeping motion.
INSISTENT ATTACK (HOLD PUNCH): Make the swarm hit the enemy a few extra times.
DRILLER (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + PUNCH): Make the swarm advance towards the enemy in a piercing motion.
POWER IN NUMBERS (HOLD R, L STICK ↓ + PUNCH): Send enemies flying with a wave of insects.
FLESH EATERS (L STICK ↓, L STICK ↑ + PUNCH): Surround enemies and bite chunks out of them.
FOURTH PLAGUE (L STICK⟳ + PUNCH): Disperse the swarm in a hurricane, causing damage to everyone around the center.
THIRD PLAGUE (KICK): Make the swarm sting the enemy mercilessly.
SIXTH PLAGUE (HOLD KICK): Hold for an increased duration of stinging.
HIVEMIND (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + KICK): Form a line of insects and sting a single enemy in sequence.
MISSIONARIES (HOLD R, L STICK ↓ + KICK): Send two special insects to keep following the enemy while stinging to keep your combo going.
DIVINE PUNISHMENT (L STICK ↓, L STICK ↑ + KICK): Descend upon the enemy with your multiple stings.
GUARDIANS (L STICK⟳ + KICK): Make the insects form a shell of protection around the leader.
COLOBOPSIS (SHOOT): Send insects flying at enemies like rockets, making them explode with an acidic glue that slows enemies down.
KAMIKAZE (HOLD SHOOT): Increase the amount of insects per shot, up to three.
PARASITOID (HOLD R, L STICK ↑ + SHOOT): Make your insects implant larvae into the enemy, creating more insects for the swarm after a while without having to increase the rage meter.
FIRST PLAGUE (L STICK ↓, L STICK ↑ + SHOOT): Make the swarm release a blood-like substance that pools on the ground and damages enemies.
HOT DEFENSIVE BALL (L STICK⟳ + SHOOT): Make your insects surround and latch to one enemy, making them increase their own body heat, cooking the enemy alive as well as sacrificing themselves for huge damage.