I have hard time picking up the controller to play this game
I've been thinking about it and I've pinned it down. It's anxiety at missing things. Important plot points or weapons or armor or just something that is awesome that I miss. If you guys saw how many hours I've played and how far I've made it, I don't even know what you think. But I know it must likely could've been done in 1/10 the time without anything missed.
I played DOS2 and absolutely loved it. This game is like the pinnacle of all games for me. It's everything I want in a video game but I'm scared to play it.
I think I've got this idea that there's 1 perfect way to play this game through. 1 outcome that means you've completed it the way it was meant to be played. I don't want to spoil anything so I don't really want to look online for help. But I'll load my previous save like there's no tomorrow. I read that was called something. Scamming I think.
I just thought you guys could help change my perspective on the game and how it's meant to be played and then I could relax and just enjoy whatever happens as I play.
The craziest thing is I fully plan to play the game more than just 1 time, but still can't get over the thought of missing things.