I’m a bit shocked at my friends comment

So exams have been starting for a few weeks now and I was recently just ranting to my friend about trying to get accommodations. I got diagnosed last year with ADHD and a few weeks ago with ASD so most of my college professors aren’t aware and I’ve recently realized by my first few exams that shocker accommodations actually do help me?

I say I’m shocked because I genuinely didn’t think I’d need any but for some of my exams I thought I’d give it a try since there is another person in need of them and I wouldn’t be a burden to anyone. Well turns out it does actually help me so I wanted to send an email out to another professor to ask for a bit of extra time at her exam as I was certain a separate room would definitely not be possible since it’s a pretty big class of people taking it.

I was ranting a bit to a close friend of mine who was one of the first I told about my ADHD diagnosis because I accidentally got into an email chain with said teacher about accommodations because extra a time apparently wouldn’t be possible (I’m not gonna get into it but just gonna say she was not being a jerk she was just trying to find another way to help me that was in fact possible and I was honestly very much regretting asking for anything cause emails are scary)

Anyways, I was just whining a bit to my friend about how I only wanted a bit of extra time and I really did not want to make it a big deal and that I was panicking a bit about it because 10 emails seem like a long ass conversation. Well my friend just said “Yeah sorry, but that doesnt really seem fair” and I was confused for a moment, because it didn’t feel like she was agreeing with me (and she doesn’t don’t worry, everyone can have their own opinion ) I was just confused as to who it wouldn’t be fair then…

I asked what she meant and she basically said it’s not fair for me to get accommodations because “not everyone is diagnosed and stuff”….which yes true I was also not diagnosed until now I know that…but I don’t understand what that had to do with me then?