How fast does separation happen?

In your experience, how long does it take from the moment they mention divorce to the day they move out?

I have a friend who has been with her husband for 15 years, married 10.

He randomly decided that being a husband and father was not for him and he wants out.

They have about 10k cc debt and an X amount of debt on his truck that will be paid off in October (fixed payments).

He sprung this idea on her to separate maybe 3 weeks ago and now he is asking her to pay his truck off even more aggressively. (She is the breadwinner, they have combined finances, basically he dumps money into her account and she pays everything).

There is no abuse and allegedly no other Woman but the fact he is pressing her on paying his truck off earlier even before tackling the cc debt makes me think he feels trapped living in their house because of this major debt and will most likely stick her with the cc debt.

Personally, I can't imagine he stays there until the truck is paid off in October and paying $10k in cc debt off this year seems impossible to me.