How do I beat winter blues ?

Just for some background I’ve lived in the UK since I was born (F19) and I’m really miserable during the winter, this starts from anywhere between mid october and lasts till mid february. I didn’t really have a proper term for it till about three years ago when i searched up why I felt down during winter.

Some things I experience are a lack of motivation to complete work (I’m a student), not having a bright outlook on my future and struggling to just get one task completed in a day.

I hate waking up before the sun is up and the cold rainy weather doesn’t help. I’ve tried romanticising winter and tried looking forward to christmas but sometimes it’s really draining and tiring.

Anyways my question is that for those of you who have lived here for longer and have experienced or are experiencing the winter blues, how do you deal with it ? (I really want to avoid going to the doctors so anything but medication suggestion would be appreciated)

Thanks !!