I’m becoming a misandrist/femcel

i don’t know if this is even the right place to ask but

I am an 18F who has largely lived her life sheltered without talking to men or guys my age until this year as I was travelling throughout my gap year.

I was stalked, assaulted and got taken pictures of by men and have encountered men with some questionable views about women. I also recently got social media (instagram) and have seen loadssss of misogynistic reels with comments often encouraging or agreeing with the videos and have hundred thousands of like sometimes. I even tried looking for misandrist reels to see if there is about the same amount or the same support for it and although they do exist it was always flooded with comments disagreeing with the reel (which is a good thing) but this just struck me as misogyny was more accepted among men and women. Additionally, seeing all the comments under feminist post on women's day by men and my dad spewing some sexist remarks and being cat called twice on the same day was the final straw for me.
I’m afraid of going down this rabbit hole of being a misandrist or a man hater and truly want to break off from this thinking. Simply ignoring the reels didn’t work and my brain would always cycle back to “just because you ignore it doesn’t mean that misogynist dont exist.”.
so my question is how do I break off from this thinking or can I change my view of men?

edit: I realised I was becoming a misandrist or femcel or maybe already am one when I was having a hard time sympathising with men, if anyone is curious about that.

Thank you for all the responses I promise I will make efforts to get off of social media and to socialise with more men in real life

edit 2: I would be really really interested to talk to a few men around my age who are experiencing the same thing as me but in reverse (eg feels like they are becoming an incel or a misogynist) not to argue with them but to share world views. I feel like as though in that way can learn from each other and the correct our views of the opposite sex. Please DM if you’re interested.