What does it take for you to fight

This is obviously up for some debate. I’m just asking bc I go to a large university down south and I joined a fraternity when I started. Sometimes im unsure of what actually justifies a physical confrontation and what doesn’t, and whether what I think doesn’t makes me a p**sy.

Take for example, the old adage of “disrespect.” For my entire life, I just operated on the assumption that if someone disrespects you, they’re probably having a bad day or are projecting their own anger at something else on to you. So I’ve never really worried about standing up for myself if a random person tries to big dick me or something. But a lot of my friends seem to think violence is the answer there because “you can’t let them disrespect you.” And I’m here like, who gives a fuck? I’m never gonna see them again.

To me, the only reason I’d ever fight is if it actually had to happen. I got into a fight at a concert once because a guy was being creepy to my friend, and she asked me to tell him to fuck off. So I did, and he was really fucking drunk and tried to get in my face and then shoved me, so LSS we had to get pulled apart by our friends. But he left us alone after that. To me, that’s a reason to fight. But if she wasn’t there and he was just being a drunk douche to me, I wouldn’t have cared at all. Point being, if someone ever actually tried to hurt my friends or family and I had to intervene, I’d fight. But anything short of that I really don’t see the point. Even if a guy is chirping me or trying to be slick w me in public, I’d usually just ignore him or walk away and let them think they got some victory.

What’s people’s opinions? What to you is the threshold where fighting becomes necessary?

Edit: Glad to see I’m not alone in my thinking. Being down here so long, the doubt did start creeping up on me.