Looking for a social/friendship coach? Is that a thing?

This may be a weird ask? I'd like someone to work with me to find out why I don't seem to exist to people when I'm not in front of them and how to be someone people actively want to be around.

Once again, it is Friday night and I have no plans, no invites, no friends checking with me to see if I want to do anything. I don't know what's wrong with me. It's not a problem meeting people, I do a lot of "social" things where I meet people pretty frequently and they seem to enjoy my company at the time, but then I never hear from them. When I reach out to them, they're always busy with other plans and never seem interested or able to invite me. I'd consider myself to be pretty funny, smart, and easy going, but maybe I'm way off. Also I sometimes think I have no clue how to form actual friendships, like maybe I'm not reaching out the proper way or the way I'm inviting people is off. Something is wrong though! I've lived in LA for like 8 years and I couldn't get six people together to carry my coffin if I died tonight.

Edit: I work from home so that's been a factor in making friends.

I'll also clarify that I'm pretty outgoing for the most part, but something about going to a bar alone makes me super anxious. I do really well at structured things like sports, or board game nights, etc, but put me in a room with a hundred people all in their little friend groups they came with and I get pretty shy. I also don't drink which makes me feel awkward going to a bar by myself, though I enjoy it on the occasional opportunity I get to do it with people that I know.