Starbucks CEO has made 9,646 times the average salary of a full time Starbucks employee over the last four months. Do you see this as a systemic issue?

Average wage for a Starbucks employee is $15.55/hour X 40 hours X 16 weeks = $9,952, pre tax

CEO earned $96 Million over the same period of time.

This doesn’t include his existing Starbucks holdings. While the value there isn’t publicly disclosed, if we assume he hold 0.1% of the value of the company, than he’s accumulated an additional $9.04 million. If he holds 1% that $90.40 million, since January 1st, 27 days ago.

Of course I understand this is his money, and i’m not saying this should be taken from him, but to me it just points to systemic inequality, especially since Starbucks has recently refused to give a $0.50 raise to 12,000 employees, which would equal 3.13% of the CEO’s earnings over the same period.

What do you think? Do you think this suggests corporations should restructure their revenue distribution? Thanks to anyone who adds to the conversation, I look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts!