Have you considered where your ideas and imagery of Heaven, Hell, angels, and demons Come from?
Would you agree that most people, including Christians, fail to realize that their mental images of Heaven, Hell, angels, and demons come more from artists, poets, and storytellers than from the Bible itself?
The fiery, cavernous Hell many imagine is largely influenced by Dante’s Inferno and Gustave Doré’s dramatic illustrations, rather than any detailed biblical description.
The common depiction of angels as glowing, winged humans comes more from Renaissance art than scripture, where they are often described as strange, awe-inspiring beings. The image of Satan as a red-skinned, horned figure with a pitchfork is a product of medieval folklore and John Milton’s Paradise Lost, not the Bible. The idea of Heaven as a realm of pearly gates and golden streets owes more to poetic and artistic embellishment than to a clear biblical blueprint.
Would you agree that over time, these artistic and literary depictions became so deeply embedded in Christian culture that they now feel like divine truth, even though they were shaped by human creativity?
What does this do to amplify or limit your beliefs?