How Much Harder is babygirl to Play at Mindscape 0?
Something that suprised me about discussions about Harumasa's place in the meta is his how difficult to play he's made out to be.
I'm a day 1 player and he was the second S-Rank I wanted, so I had some POLYS burning a hole in my pocket. I got him M2O1 and it took me a little bit to figure out his rotations but they really didn't seem any harder than Soldier 11's (my only other DPS lol).
I heard his Mindscapes make him significantly more flexible and, with a good build, push his DPS high enough it's hard to even finish a proper rotation in most content.
So for anyone with M0, how does he feel to play? Would you agree he's one of the more difficult characters, or is it one of those things once you get the hang of is pretty simple?
Something that suprised me about discussions about Harumasa's place in the meta is his how difficult to play he's made out to be.
I'm a day 1 player and he was the second S-Rank I wanted, so I had some POLYS burning a hole in my pocket. I got him M2O1 and it took me a little bit to figure out his rotations but they really didn't seem any harder than Soldier 11's (my only other DPS lol).
I heard his Mindscapes make him significantly more flexible and, with a good build, push his DPS high enough it's hard to even finish a proper rotation in most content.
So for anyone with M0, how does he feel to play? Would you agree he's one of the more difficult characters, or is it one of those things once you get the hang of is pretty simple?