A BIG problem that mostly hides in plain sight - physical advertisement mail. This shouldn't exist.

Every day, I see people discussing ways to reduce waste, cut unnecessary spending, and live more consciously. That's great and all, but one of the biggest, easiest wins against over consumption that is rarely talked about (at least in my experience) is snail mail advertisement.

It should be illegal for companies to send us ads unless we explicitly opt in. Credit card offers, supermarket flyers, random junk mail...it’s all unsolicited, wasteful, and adds to the growing litter problem. I see pounds of this trash dumped around my community every...single...day!!!

Printing, packaging, mailing probably ads to millions of dollars spent (not to mention man hours to move this shit) just to shove ads in front of people who didn’t ask for them. The majority of us don’t want this junk, yet it keeps coming. If advertising were opt in only, we’d save time, money, and resources while reducing pollution. It's a win win.

I think some people value certain ads which is cool, but have everyone who values those manually opt in.