Month 5, still not clear

Hi all. First of all, very thankful for this community as this page has helped to keep me sane throughout the process. Appreciate everyone’s vulnerability and guidance.

I’m a 24 y/o male, and having this acne hanging around is just demoralizing, especially this far into my treatment. I always had a pimples here and there, but this last year it became much worse.

As mentioned above, I’m on my 5th month. While progress has been made it’s starting to feel as if every time I’m close to being completely clear, I get another breakout. This has been the case from the end of month 3 to now (midway through month 5).

I’ve tried to limit my dairy intake and have cleaned up my diet. I also drink plenty of water. I still take preworkout and lift weights 3-5 days a week (mid to high rep range). I really don’t think that’s causing the breakouts- and I’d hate to stop lifting as it is my #1 antidepressant.

I’m thankful for how clear it’s gotten my skin, but obviously still have a long road ahead. I will say- I’m starting to lose hope in month 5. Please see my pics (month 1 and now).

Any advice for reaching that “completely clear” stage? For those who were on it for more than 4 months- how close do you think I am? In the month 5 pics, you can see some of the dry skin cracks in my chin. The rest are pimples.

Overall, just want some advice on when and if I should stop the medication at this point. Do some people never completely clear?