AITAH For Breaking Up With GF Over Her Autistic Son?

I’ve been dating Rachel since the end of September last year. Things have been great and we really get on well. I’ve known Rachel has a son who is 10 years old named Cash that she splits custody with her ex. I’ve met cash a few times but never for more than a few minutes at a time as Rachel and I live about 50 minutes from each other and only really see her on the weeks she doesn’t have Cash.

Well last weekend invited her to come stay at my place with Cash and we could go to the movies and the park and get ice cream( stuff of that nature). She said Cash can’t handle movie theatres or places with a lot of people. I thought that was a bit weird but didn’t think super much of it.

When they came over Cash immediately started running around the apartment and yelling. I thought it was kinda funny and since I have ADHD I remember being a hyper kid. Rachel looked really embarrassed and went up to Cash and talked to him softly asking him to calm down. Cash immediately started crying and flapping his hands. I thought that was really weird and immediately clicked that something was up with him.

I asked Rachel if cash had a condition after that and she revealed to me he has Autism. I was a bit taken a back as she had never mentioned that or the fact that he had any sort of behavioral issues. I asked her why she’s never brought it up and she said it didn’t seem super relevant and she is able to parent him just fine. I didn’t

For the next two days cash proceeded to have multiple temper tantrums, trouble with eating, and on Sunday morning when I went to the bathroom there was poop all over the toilet and sink. I was pretty upset and woke Rachel to clean it as poop grosses me out.

They left after breakfast as I told them I was feeling sick(I wasn’t) and later on in the day she texted me saying she had a great time and so did Cash. I told her I didn’t think we’d be a good fit moving forward as usual couldn’t see myself helping raise cash. She called me immediately and started crying saying how horrible I was being and that’s why she never brought him around me in the first place. I apologized but insisted we were done.

I’ve been feeling bad for this the last few days and Rachel has been trying to call me since and I’ve been ignoring her calls. I feel like maybe it was a shitty reason to break it off but also I don’t feel like I should have to put up with a child with those sort of issues.