no one likes the BCBA that got hired at our clinic months ago.
and nothing can get her fired. she has said so, so much out of pocket BS. she has said so much racist stuff, she called CPS on some of our clients for such dumb reasons like their parents not taking them to a doctor's appointment for something so small, she talks crap about the other BCBAs and none of them like her (she made the old one training her cry & she made another one very upset a few days ago for talking rudely about her to other people), she makes dumb comments, she has no self awareness at all, shes not helpful when clients are having behaviors, shes always on her phone texting during supervision , and theres soooo much more I can't even think of rn. My manager has tried to get her fired since the week she was training because she walked into the clinic and was IMMEDIATELY a walking red flag. All of my manager's complaints were dismissed and she was accused of bullying. I have put in so many complaints about her (to give context on how bad of a person she is: long story short, she undressed my client in front of everyone to change her pants). I love my job and it has always been such a healthy work environment til she came. I dread coming to work because I only work with her clients and pray to God she isn't supervising me everyday i go into work. She's making it so hard to keep my calm fr